πŸ‘‡ Backhand index pointing down

Backhand index pointing down


The Backhand index pointing down emoji πŸ‘‡ represents a hand gesture where the index finger is pointing downwards. This emoji is often used to draw attention to a specific point or detail mentioned in the text above it. Visually, it depicts a hand with the backside facing the viewer and the index finger extended downwards. This emoji can be used in various contexts, such as indicating a direction, emphasizing a point, or simply to signify “look below” or “scroll down”. It is similar to other hand gesture emojis, like the πŸ‘† Backhand index pointing up, but differs in the direction the finger is pointing. The meaning of this emoji can vary depending on the context it is used in, but it generally serves to highlight or direct attention to something specific.

Skin tones variations

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